Book Drive

UWJWC Bookshelves

My Very Own Book

Community Children's Book Drive

Community Goal: 10,000 Books Annually


My Very Own Book

Top 10 Reasons to Donate Books

  1. Collecting books is FUN and easy!
  2. Over 35% of our 4th graders are not reading at grade level.
  3. Owning books is a critical indicator in every child's development.
  4. Providing books to children is a simple, effective and inexpensive way to promote language and literacy.
  5. Research shows that reading aloud to kids is THE single most important act you can do to help a child prepare for learning and reading.
  6. The number of words a child knows upon entering school is a key predictor to their future success.
  7. A child not reading at grade level by third grade is at a higher risk of not graduating than their peers.
  8. Lack of basic literacy skills is linked to academic challenges, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, delinquency and unemployment.
  9. Your books will go into the hands of children in Johnson County.
  10. Your partnership and participation matters.

What YOU Can Do

Step 1: Serve as an official site to collect books. Put up a poster and spread the word to promote and collect books within your business, organization or neighborhood. Donate Here flyer & poster

Step 2: Set up a collection box of your choice.

Step 3: Contact United Way to pick up the books as your box is full or when you are done, 319-338-7823 or email us 

**Call 319-338-7823 if you or your group would like to volunteer to sort collected children's books.