United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties adheres to all of the accountability requirements that United Way Worldwide has established. The United Way system has delivered comprehensive requirements for audited financial statements. They provide a uniform set of standards for all United Ways in the preparation of audited financial statements and ensure consistency and transparency. The requirements are based on current best practices in our industry as well as generally accepted accounting principles and requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties (UWJWC) maintains the highest level of accountability to ensure that your donations are handled in accordance with all regulatory requirements. Every 3-5 years the Internal Operations Committee of the Board of Directors issues a request for proposal for our annual audit and IRS Form 990. We are committed to transparency by providing our annual report, audit, campaign dollars raised, and dollars invested in local programs to the news media, the public, and most importantly, our donors.


In 2003, United Way Worldwide implemented membership standards that help local United Ways to measure success, set high standards for themselves and their local partners, and enhance accountability and transparency. UWJWC must demonstrate our adherence to these requirements on an annual basis.

United Way Worldwide Membership Requirements Completed logo


UWJWC is in compliance with the spirit and intent of the U.S. Patriot Act and other counter terrorism laws. Affirmative action is taken to prevent financial, technical, in-kind, or other resources from inadvertently being used for illegal acts and terrorist activities.


UWJWC values the trust donors and other stakeholders place in the organization and adheres to the highest standards in gathering, utilizing, and safeguarding personal information. The information collected from donors and stakeholders may be used for campaign activities, pledge processing, and communications including, but not limited to, email, mail, phone or fax.

UWJWC Charity Navigator - 4 star charity logo

UWJWC Platinum Seal 21


Relationships with United Way are voluntary and confidential. Personal information is gathered directly from either United Way’s website, a public website, or a pledge or volunteer form requesting personal information, including address, email, birthdate, etc. If a donor chooses to designate a gift to a specific 501(c) 3 organization, United Way will release the following donor information to that organization so they may acknowledge the gift: name, employer, mailing and e-mail address, and gift amount, unless the donor has indicated that they wish to remain anonymous. Donors and stakeholders may choose to opt-out of being listed in any printed materials by contacting the United Way. Donors and stakeholders may opt-out of receiving email correspondence at any time by contacting the United Way. United Way will not rent, trade, or sell personal information. United Way will not share personal information externally without donor or stakeholder consent.(Approved May 19, 2016 UWJWC Board of Directors)


Brand Guidelines & Logos/Link-The partnership between United Way and its community and nonprofit partners can have powerful marketing and fundraising benefits for all of us. By actively co-branding with United Way, your visible support will heighten the community’s awareness and positive perception of United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties, and increase the power and reach of our network.

Please use the following United Way logo for website and marketing:

United Way of Johnson and Washington Counties Logo

United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties’  

Standard Logo (RGB) Download Logo
Standard Logo (CMYK) Download Logo

Organization Name-Our preferred name in print is United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties. In all written documents, always use the name in its entirety when referring to the organization. Please try to avoid abbreviating the name as there are many other United Way chapters. However, if it is necessary to abbreviate, then "UWJWC" is acceptable.

Additional Brand Standards for UWJWC Partner Agencies-The United Way logo must be displayed on all the following and be clearly visible:

  • On your organization’s website. At minimum the logo should appear on your homepage and should preferably appear in the visible area above the fold/scroll line. The logo must be linked to United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties’ homepage: http://www.unitedwayjwc.org/

  • On your organization’s brochures, annual report, printed newsletters and promotional materials. Logo should be placed on either the front or back cover, or both, of the piece and must be at minimum 1″ X 0.833″ (the aspect ratio should always be maintained).

  • On e-newsletters. For both email and Web based communications, the logo should appear in the upper area above the fold.

  • Local print advertisements. Logo should be at minimum .75″ wide (the aspect ratio should always be maintained).

  • Additional brand information can be found HERE

Questions: Kaila Rome, Director of Development & Marketing, Kaila.Rome@UnitedWayJWC.org 319.338.7823

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us:

319.338.7823   info@unitedwayjwc.org